Jelly Beans Pre-school Ltd
Please contact us for more information.
We accept all types of funding and offer flexible sessions.
Telephone: 020 8643 7378 or 07887323444
Find us on Facebook

It is our policy to make sure that our provision meets the needs of every child, therefore we take into account any special needs or disabilities a child may have and welcome all children. We have a good history of working with outside agencies and if necessary, we will liaise with all those involved with a child's care including our area Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCO), paediatricians, health visitors, physiotherapists, psychologists, speech therapists and portage workers.
Parents are very closely involved in this process and we welcome all professional groups to visit the children and talk to our SENDCO to plan how best to support the children. Jelly Beans Pre-school fully meets the requirements of The Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice.
Please also see the Sutton Local Offer.
If at anytime a parent/carer has any concerns about their child's development they are encouraged to talk to Clare our Senco. We know that, you as the parent, know your child the best so we are always here to listen should you have any concerns.
We are here to offer advice and support if needed and work closely with our local authority and other professionals in supporting the child's individual needs and any plans that may already be in place.
We regularly attend local authority run SENCo courses and have completed relevant training in Signalong, speech and language and autism.